
What our ratings equate to:

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1 comment:

  1. Tuesday 26th January 2016
    Short stories by Guy Maupassant with text in English and French

    Present :Anne, Chris, Jane, Caroline and Lorraine
    Apologies from Sally

    It was agreed that we all enjoyed reading these stories. Anne commented on the authors fascination with prostitutes! We enjoyed being able to read the book in either or both language. Jane had read most of it in French but finished off in English and found it flowed better and was easier to follow. Perhaps because the original is in old French and the translation is in modern English?
    We all gave it 4****

    Future meetings and books

    Tuesday 23rd February chez Caroline at 11am to discuss "The Miniatursit" by Jessie Burton
    Tuesday 22nd March Chez Jane at 11am to discuss "The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry" by Rachel Joyce
    Tuesday 26th April chez Christine at 11 am to discuss "Beloved" by Toni Morrison
    Tuesady 17th May "All the Light we cannot See" by Anthony Doer venue to be confirmed
    Tuesday 14th June "Carry on Jeeves" by P.G Woodhouse venue to be confirmed

    Suggested books for future dates
    "Dominion" by C.J Sansom
    "Alice through the Looking Glass" by Lewis Carrol
